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Mar 15, 2019
EarMaster Pro 6: An individualized method to improve music theory training.Q:
solution of a symbolic PDE?
How can i solve this? what kind of method/techniques i should use?
The equation you have is what's called a partial differential equation. In general, you would use the following method of attack:
Separate variables. This means rewriting the equation as an ordinary differential equation: $rac{dx}{du} = rac{dy}{du} = rac{du}{df(u)}$.
Change dependent variable. In your example, $u = x+y$ and $x+y = z$.
Solve the resulting first order linear ODE. (You can use anything that can integrate, from a pencil and paper to a computer algebra system, and from there you can solve the implicit equation $x+y=z$ for $y$ in terms of $x$.)
Integrate the solution of step 2 to get $f(u(x,y))$.
After each step, you should re-check your calculations.
In general, the first step is to choose a particular substitution for $u(x,y)$. Substitutions that simplify the equation often make the problem easy, or at least simpler. In your example, the substitution $u(x,y) = x+y$ is one that simplifies the PDE, but it also creates new problems. For example, you may lose information about the original function $f(u)$. Also, in general, there may be multiple functions satisfying the above description. You may need to make some additional assumptions, and check them to see if your solution is unique.
Tuesday, March 12, 2010
SomaFM and iHeartRadio are partnering to launch a revolutionary new station, which promises to save DJs valuable time by automatically connecting them with the music they want.
The new station features an advanced direct-connect technology that allows DJs to use their mobile devices to initiate and terminate connections with be359ba680
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